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An HR Lesson in French: Croissance

You may be wondering why the title of this blog is “croissance.” No, croissant was not misspelled. Croissance is French for “growth.”

Although for the last two years the world has endured a COVID pandemic, believe it or not, many organizations have been experiencing croissance—growth. With this growth, it’s more important than ever for businesses to ensure that there is a clear vision and business direction to drive success in this competitive landscape.

But what happens when a small sized company becomes a burgeoning enterprise? As their revenue and customers grow, often times the supporting infrastructure starts falling behind. But in order to be able to support rapid growth in size and scale, and to enable future growth, the foundation needs to keep up with the pace. This is especially true when thinking about every company’s most valuable resource–people, or as they say in French: peuple.

The HR infrastructure is a key fondement or foundation of any organization. It includes the structure and creation of systems, policies and programs. This mission critical trio needs to be in lock step with business goals to support growth initiatives.

Key pillars of HR infrastructure include:

  • Recruiting and Retention… to acquire the best talent for jobs and retain high performers;

  • On-Boarding and Training… to provide a comprehensive development program that starts with on-boarding and continues through the employees’ life cycle for employee growth;

  • Performance Management… to link employee’s work to organization strategies;

  • Organizational Development and Design… to strengthen organization results;

  • Job and Work Structure… to design jobs for required tasks for alignment;

  • Total Compensation… to ensure competitive employee pay based on jobs and employee contributions;

  • Building a Positive Culture… to build a positive culture to attract talent.

Comment est votre foundation? How is your foundation?

Contact us today to discuss your HR projects.


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